Trash to Treasure

Did you know our secretary, Tracy, is a whiz transforming trash to treasures?  Seems each weekend she has turned some bureau, table or chest into a chic work of art. My friend Rex Paul has been dead for a number of years.  Rex was a smallish man, usually with a cigar in his mouth, usually in work pants and a work shirt. You would have never thought Rex was a genius with an artist’s eye.

Rex also could transform a piece of trash into a thing of beauty.  I remember one day he had gone to the dump and come in with an awful set of ugly chairs in pieces, and a huge, equally ugly table. The pieces definitely looked like they should have stayed at the dump.  Margaret fussed about this cumbersome pile of trash that Rex insisted on keeping.  But he hauled them off to his man-sanctuary, his workshop.

Weeks later, I came over and this lovely oak table with equally lovely chairs had appeared in the Paul’s kitchen.  Now Margaret had a table large enough and enough chairs to seat everyone who showed up for meals.

Both Tracy and Rex have the eye to see beauty in our castaways.

God has the same eye to see beauty in us when others would give up.  That’s the business the church is in, transforming lives from trash to treasures.

Pastor Pam